This file is a step-by-step how to for install and set up CodingTeam on your own server. Before read this document, you should install all dependencies listed in the README file. ***************************** 1. Apache HTTPD configuration ***************************** You have to set up a VirtualHost for CodingTeam like this example: ServerName ServerAlias DocumentRoot "/path/to/codingteam" AllowOverride All Require all granted php_flag engine off AllowOverride None Options -Indexes Options +Indexes ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log LogLevel warn CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined ServerSignature On Now, you have to set up another VirtualHost for SVN repositories like this one: ServerName include /path/to/codingteam/public/svn/_apache/* ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log LogLevel warn CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined And now, another VirtualHost for HG repositories: ServerName include /path/to/codingteam/public/hg/_apache/* RewriteEngine on RewriteRule (.*) /path/to/codingteam/scripts/hg/hgwebdir.cgi/$1 DocumentRoot /path/to/codingteam/scripts/hg AllowOverride None Require all granted AllowOverride All Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks SymLinksIfOwnerMatch AddHandler cgi-script .cgi ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log LogLevel warn CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined Last but not least, the configuration needed for Git repositories: ServerName SetEnv GIT_PROJECT_ROOT /path/to/codingteam/trunk/public/git SetEnv GIT_HTTP_EXPORT_ALL ScriptAlias / /usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend/ include /path/to/codingteam/trunk/public/git/_apache/* ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log LogLevel warn CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined Also, please be sure that mod_rewrite and mod_cgi are activated. You should check that other Apache HTTPD modules you load are compatible with them. To get Mercurial repositories working, you should create a configuration file in scripts/hg/hgweb.config: $ mv hgweb.config-example hgweb.config ***************************** 2. Folders owners and rights ***************************** First of all, directories inc/modules must be writable by CodingTeam (in order to enable and disable modules and views). This is not mandatory but this is required to configure the modules directly from CodingTeam. Basically, you can do a: $ chown www-data:root inc/modules/*/infos.xml $ chown www-data:root inc/data/* Now, you have to create some directories in the public/ one. The firsts have to be writable by PHP, so, you must do a chmod 770 and set the owner www-data:root: public/cache → public/cache/atom → public/cache/rss → public/cache/xhtml public/upload → public/upload/avatars → public/upload/briefcase → public/upload/projects → public/upload/teams public/codestats → public/codestats/temp → public/codestats/reports For DVCS/VCS integration, you must create following directories. This allows CodingTeam to create DVCS/VCS repositories in the public/ paths. Apache configurations are stored in public/*/_apache and authentification files in public/*/_authz. Just recursively set the owner www-data:root on these directory. public/svn → public/svn/_apache → public/svn/_authz public/hg → public/hg/_apache → public/hg/_authz public/git → public/git/_apache → public/git/_authz ***************************** 3. CodingTeam configuration ***************************** CodingTeam use a XML-based configuration. There is an example in inc/codingteam.cfg-example. Start by rename it: $ mv codingteam.cfg-example codingteam.cfg Now, you can start to write your config (your XML-base file have to be conform to the XSD XMLSchema). Here a little explanations of the possibles values: db->type: The software that run the database There are only 1 database software supported: * for MySQL 5.x: `mysql` * for PostgreSQL: `pgsql` PLANNED db->hostname: The hostname of your mysql base db->database: The name of the database db->username: The name of the user db->password: The password of the user svn->subdomain: Subdomain for SVN (second VirtualHost example) svn->location: Text between subdomain and project name (default: /) hg->subdomain: Subdomain for HG (third VirtualHost example) hg->location: Text between subdomain and project name (default: /) git->subdomain: Subdomain for Git (fourth VirtualHost example) git->location: Text between subdomain and project name (default: /) auth->method: The method used by users to login There are 2 methods supported: * by username/password: `sql` * by XMPP (XEP-0070): `xmpp` errors->show_debug: 1 to show source code and memory dump on a error errors->catch_fatal: 1 to catch even PHP fatal errors errors->show_notice: 1 to show PHP E_NOTICE errors errors->log_errors: 1 to log all errors in a file errors->log_level: -1, 0, 1, 2 or 3 config->theme: The template theme for your forge. There's only 1 template distributed with CodingTeam: * Default template: `default` config->timezone The default datetime timezone. config->mldomain The domain name for mailing lists support. Remarks: - You really should disable errors->show_debug in a production environement because some data in the dump can be very critical and a bad intent person can use them. - If you enable errors->show_notice boolean, notice errors will be displayed like every other errors (blocking and causing die), this is not recommanded in a production environement but is useful to debug. If you disable it, E_NOTICE errors can still be logged. - If you enable errors->log_errors boolean you should create an error.log file in the CodingTeam root directory and set www-data:root as owner of this file. - When you enable errors->log_errors, you should set an appropriate value for errors->log_level. It's an integer of the first error level to catch. So, if you want to log only critical (2) and internal errors (3), set it to 2. The recommanded value is 1, it catches important, critical and internal errors. Now, you are ready to import the SQL shema in your database with the codingteam.sql file! When the SQL shema is imported, you should follow this final step to add a minimal configuration for CodingTeam: INSERT INTO `config` (`group`, `field`, `value`, `text`) VALUES ('global', 'mailfrom', 'MyForgeName ', 'The FROM and REPLYTO headers of sended mail.'), ('global', 'cache-max-files', '2000', 'The maximum files number for the cache.'), ('global', 'title', 'CodingTeam', 'The title of your forge.'), ('global', 'show-exectime', 'false', 'true or false if you want to hide execution time.'), ('global', 'force-login', 'false', 'true or false if you want to make your forge public.'), ('global', 'briefcase-max', '20', 'The maximum size (in Mo) allowed for each user\'s briefcase.'), ('global', 'authorize-anonymous-posts', 'true', 'Authorize content posted by anonymous.'), ('jabber', 'omnipresence-jid', '', 'The Jabber ID of the Omnipresence bot.'), ('jabber', 'omnipresence-url', '', 'The HTTP URL of the Omnipresence bot.'), ('jabber', 'server', '', 'The domain of the jabber server.'), ('jabber', 'muc', '', 'The Jabber ID of the conference component.'), ('jabber', 'username', 'username', 'The username of the bot.'), ('jabber', 'password', 'password', 'The password of the bot.'), ('jabber', 'nickname', 'nickname', 'The nickname of the bot.'), ('jabber', 'allow-notifications', 'false', 'true or false if you don\t want to allow notifications over XMPP.'), ('openforge', 'esearch-active', 'false', 'true or false if you want to disable external search.'), ('openforge', 'esearch-servers', '', 'A list of external servers, separated by a ";".'), ('projects', 'need-validate', 'true', 'true or false if you don\'t want to validate all new projects.'), ('projects', 'allow-adding', 'true', 'true or false if you don\'t want to disable projects adding.'), ('projects', 'allow-donation', 'false', 'true or false if you don\'t want to disable projects donation.'), ('projects', 'allow-private', 'false', 'true or false if you don\'t want private projects.'), ('users', 'allow-registration', 'true', 'true or false if you don\'t want to disable users registration.'); By default, omnipresence-jid and omnipresence-url are already set because it's the only Omnipresence server we know. Omnipresence allows CodingTeam to retrieve the avatar of a member via his Jabber account and some funny things like that. You could install your own Omnipresence and use it instead of the JabberFR ones. See: ***************************** 4. Internationalization ***************************** If you want to build translation files, you just have to go in scripts/i18n and launch: ./create_mo It will prompt you the language you want to construct (only french is available at the moment) and it will create the file for this language. That's all you need to do to translate your forge. ***************************** 5. CodingTeam maintenance ***************************** At this step, CodingTeam is ready to work on your server. You just have to configure a few recurring tasks. 1) XMPP notifications. If you want your users to use XMPP notifications, you have to set the key jabber.allow-notifications to TRUE in the configuration keys editor. You also have to add a cron rule: */5 * * * * /path/to/codingteam/scripts/miscellaneous/xmpp-notifications.php 2) Apache HTTP reload for SCM. You need to reload the configuration of the HTTPD server each time you add a DVCS/VCS repository. That's why scripts/miscellaneous/ contains the Shell script. While the server hasn't be reloaded, the new configuration file created with the new repository isn't read and thus everyone have write access on them. The solution is to use incron (packaged in a lot of GNU/Linux distributions). Here are the rules that you can write in your incrontab: /path/to/codingteam/public/svn/_apache IN_CLOSE_WRITE /path/to/codingteam/scripts/miscellaneous/ /path/to/codingteam/public/hg/_apache IN_CLOSE_WRITE /path/to/codingteam/scripts/miscellaneous/ /path/to/codingteam/public/git/_apache IN_CLOSE_WRITE /path/to/codingteam/scripts/miscellaneous/ 3) Generating statistics on the source code. CodingTeam can generate statistics on the source code of the projects. In order to get this feature working, you have to set up another cron rule, that will get executed each weeks. 0 0 * * 0 /path/to/codingteam/scripts/miscellaneous/code-stats.php ***************************** 6. Drink a beer! ***************************** Ok, you're done! Once you did everything that came before, CodingTeam should work just fine. You can now start Apache and discover your new forge. :)