# Copyright (c) 2007 Erwan Briand # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** session_start(); require(dirname(__FILE__).'/include/config.inc.php'); $code = $_GET['p']; $ma = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ct2_os WHERE adresse = '$code' "); if (mysql_num_rows($ma) == 0) { require('include/erreurs.inc.php'); GenerateErrorPage ("404","Not Found",$txt); exit(); } $ma = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ct2_os WHERE adresse = '$code' "); $mb = mysql_fetch_array($ma); $titre = $mb['titre']; $desc = $mb['description']; $numero = $mb['id']; $url = $mb['adresse']; $cadreonecat = "os"; /////// Les tableaux, c'est bon, mangez en ! $datareceived = $_GET['id']; include('lang/languagelist.fr.utf8.inc.php'); $orig = $projects_language_list; for( $i=0; $i < sizeof($projects_language_list); $i++ ) { $langid = $projects_language_list[$i]; if($ct_lang == 'fr') { $orig[$i] = $a[$i] = $projects_language_list[$i]; } else { include('lang/languagelist.'.$ct_lang.'.utf8.inc.php'); $a[$i] = $projects_language_list[$i]; } } $idtouse = $datareceived; $langtouse = $orig[$datareceived]; if ($ct_lang != 'fr') { $langtodisplay = $a[$datareceived]; } /////// Les tableaux, c'est bon, mangez en ! $ct_title = utf8_encode(htmlspecialchars($titre)). ' - CodingTeam.net : '.CODINGTEAM_GAUCHE_25; require(dirname(__FILE__).'/prepend.core.php'); ?>





'; if (isset($_GET['affiche'])) { $affiche = $_GET['affiche']; } else { $affiche = "index"; } if ($affiche == "mod") { $ma = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ct2_os WHERE id = '$numero' "); $mb = mysql_fetch_array($ma); $auteur = $mb['auteur']; if (IsProjectAdmin()) { ?>




"; } else { ?>






"; $lang = $_POST['lang']; if ($_POST['type'] == 0) { $sel = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ct2_os_trad_tem WHERE idprojet = '$numero'"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($sel); $template = $row['template']; echo preg_replace_callback('#\[txtid=(.+?)\]#si','template_generate',preg_replace_callback('#\[notxtid=(.+?)\]#si','template_generate2',$template)); } else { $nb_total = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ct2_os_trad WHERE projet = '$numero' ORDER BY id ASC "); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($nb_total)) { $txt = $row['texte']; $abc = $row['id']; $fait = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ct2_os_trad_prop WHERE idtexte = '$abc' AND lang = '$lang' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1"); while( $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($fait)) { $txt = $row['texte']; } echo htmlspecialchars($txt)."\n"; } } echo ""; } else { ?>



".$rowage['lang'].""; $lgfrigo = $rowage['lang']; $selectmetrad2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ct2_os_trad_prop WHERE idprojet = '$numero' AND lang = '$lgfrigo' GROUP BY auteur "); while ($rowing = mysql_fetch_array($selectmetrad2)) { echo "
".$rowing['auteur'].""; } echo"

"; } ?>




Aller aux textes.

"; unlink($avatar); } elseif(isset($_POST['sepa'])) { $sep1 = $_POST['sepa']; $sep2 = $_POST['sepb']; $lang = $_POST['lang']; $rep="upload/"; $savefile= $rep.$code.$numero.$_FILES['file']['name']; if(preg_match('#[\x00-\x1F\x7F-\x9F/\\\\]#', $_FILES['fichier']['name'])) exit('ERROR : Unidentified error occurred'); if ($_FILES['file']['type'] != 'text/x-gettext-translation' && !strstr($_FILES['file']['type'], 'text')) { exit('Error.'); } $temp = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']; if (move_uploaded_file($temp, $savefile)) { $file = $code.$numero."".$_FILES['file']['name']; $avatar = "upload/".$file; //// echo "


"; $Fnm = $avatar; if (file_exists($Fnm)) { $tableau = file($Fnm); $i=0; while(list($cle,$val) = each($tableau)) { if ($i & 1) { $couleur="#f0f0f0"; } else { $couleur="#ffffff"; } if ($sep1 != "" && $sep2 != "") { $array=explode(stripslashes($sep1),$val); $array2=explode(stripslashes($sep2),$array[1]); $texte = $array2[0]; } elseif ($sep1 == "" && $sep2 == "") { $texte = $val; } elseif ($sep1 != "" && $sep2 == "") { $array=explode($sep1,$val); $texte = $array[1]; } else { echo "


"; } if ($texte != "" && $texte != "\n" && $texte != " ") { echo "
".$i."  ".htmlspecialchars($texte)."
"; $i++; } } if ($i == 0) { echo "


"; } else { ?>



"; } } else { ?>




"; } $ma = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ct2_os WHERE id = '$numero' "); $mb = mysql_fetch_array($ma); $auteur = $mb['auteur']; if (IsProjectAdmin()) { ?>

Administration :



0) { $precedent=$page-1; echo "".CODINGTEAM_PROJETLIBRE_41." "; } $i=0; $j=1; if($nb_total>$nbmbr) { while($i<($nb_total/$nbmbr)) { if($i!=$page) { echo" $j "; } else { echo" $j "; } $i++;$j++; } } if($debut+$nbmbr<$nb_total) { $suivant=$page+1; echo " ".CODINGTEAM_PROJETLIBRE_42.""; } echo '


'; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($texteatraduire)) { $langtextechaine = $row['lang']; if ($langtextechaine != $langtouse) { $testingnewversion = mysql_query("SELECT texte FROM ct2_os_trad_prop WHERE idprojet = '$numero' AND idtexte = '".$row['id']."' AND lang = '$langtextechaine' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1") or die ( mysql_error() ); if ( mysql_num_rows( $testingnewversion ) != 0 ) { $row_ = mysql_fetch_array($testingnewversion); $texttod = htmlspecialchars($row_['texte']); } else { $texttod = htmlspecialchars($row['texte']); } } else { $texttod = htmlspecialchars($row['texte']); } if ($i & 1) { $couleur="#f0f0f0"; } else { $couleur="#ffffff"; } ?>

" . CODINGTEAM_PROJETLIBRE_172 . ""; } } else { echo "" . CODINGTEAM_PROJETLIBRE_173 . ""; } ?>


"; if ($page>0) { $precedent=$page-1; echo "".CODINGTEAM_PROJETLIBRE_41." "; } $i=0; $j=1; if($nb_total>$nbmbr) { while($i<($nb_total/$nbmbr)) { if($i!=$page) { echo" $j "; } else { echo" $j "; } $i++;$j++; } } if($debut+$nbmbr<$nb_total) { $suivant=$page+1; echo " ".CODINGTEAM_PROJETLIBRE_42.""; } } ?>


" . CODINGTEAM_PROJETLIBRE_183 . " "; } else { echo $numaaa." " . CODINGTEAM_PROJETLIBRE_184 . " "; } echo CODINGTEAM_PROJETLIBRE_185; ?>


Locked / Fermé

<?php echo CODINGTEAM_PROJETLIBRE_187; ?> progression 1progression 1px;height:22px;" />progression 1progression 1progression 1%
" . CODINGTEAM_PROJETLIBRE_190 . ""; } else { while ($rowing = mysql_fetch_array($selectmetrad2)) { echo "".$rowing['auteur']."
"; } } ?>
"; } ?>